Fast, intuitive route planning and navigation monitoring
The FMD3200 delivers great enhancement in terms of user interface as well as functionality. Fully complying with the performance standard of ECDIS stipulated in IMO resolution MSC.232(82), the FMD3200 is a suitable candidate designated for new installation as well as retrofit to fulfill ECDIS mandatory carriage that is phasing in from July 2012 onward.
Standard Features:
- Multifunction display capability, featuring ECDIS, Conning Information Display, Radar/Chart Radar and Alert Management System
- Intuitive new user interface offers fast, precise route planning, monitoring and navigation data management
- Navigation sensors can be directly interfaced with the ECDIS processor’s 8 serial I/O ports.
- Alternatively, multiple sensor adapters may be interfaced via Ethernet to integrate onboard sensors for use in the shipboard network.
- Interface with existing FAR21x7/FAR28x7 series Radar for Radar overlay, target track info, route and waypoint exchange via Ethernet